As a last update before our annual holiday card gets posted, finally, I am ready to share that we're expecting Tesla's little sister in May!!! We are thrilled to bits. I am already almost 5 months, and would have shared earlier, but had some reasons.
One was I had a miscarriage earlier. I actually had an "empty sac" before that, meaning my body thought I was pregnant, but there was no fetus (did you know this happens 25% of the time?!) It was mighty deceiving, as I felt pregnant immediately. That passed quickly, and I was actually rather ok with it since I got pregnant just 1 month later, and the timing was frankly better (no matter what, end of August always pops in my mind whether I can go or not, heh). However, that one ended in a real miscarriage, albeit early and standard. I knew miscarriage was very much a part of getting pregnant at my "mature" age as they say. I wasn't too devastated, but it did make Dav and I more aware that things could be difficult this time unlike the super easy pregnancy with Tesla (ie. should I mentally prepare that I may not be able to conceive?). Also, the months sure ticked by once I was that much more aware of my age. Each month counts!
When I did get pregnant with this little one who is maturing nicely, I didn't allow myself to fully believe it until the 10 week check-up where I could see a beating heart. Then I started worrying about all the abnormalities she might have, so opted to keep hush until all tests came back. I'm posting since obviously all is good :)
Another reason I was hush was I was job searching at that time. Yeah, pregnant and job searching. That was new for me. I did get a job easily, but it was too early to let them know anyway so I was mum. Starting date was to be Jan. 3rd. I was uneasy about having to let them know at some point, "yeah, I'll see ya in January with a big belly!"
Fate gave me a wink. I dunno. I've had nothing but amazing karma or something when it comes to landing jobs. While in Japan, I got recruited to an even more awesome spectacular job AND they knew from the get-go that I was already pregnant!!! For a Japanese company to welcome a pregnant lady is pretty awesome. I felt immediately at ease with the company, so have let the other job know I won't be joining. Now I feel complete and excited. New start date is mid-Jan., and it's the most perfect fit I could have imagined. I'll post about that after the New Year since this post is mainly to celebrate T's sister!!
Can you believe? Having T join us was a shift that we now take for granted. She's a full member of our family whom we love and just can't imagine being without. Now it's weird to think we'll have a new member. Cool thing is we'll get to share with T. At 4 years old, she gets it, and is excited. She touches my belly, pretends she and her stuffed animals are pregnant, talks about babies, etc. I am looking forward to another experience with a baby and with the sharing of her with T who will grow into a big sister. I get to love another baby, and fall more in love with T as she sisters this baby.
Dav's been awesome with T. A daddy beyond expectations, and now I get to see him covered with 2 girls giggling and pulling at him, probably asking him to dress up as a princess ; )
Wow, Mie, that's wonderful! Congratulations from Austria. She's a lucky little girl to be born into this great family! Best wishes for a safe pregnancy and an easy delivery. And don't kill yourself at the new job -- you'll need rest to be strong for baby.
Posted by: Eva | 12/30/2010 at 05:30 PM
Congrats! Very happy for both you and Dav! :)
Posted by: Girloncamera | 12/30/2010 at 06:29 PM
That is FANTASTIC news! The only problem I foresee is Cameron. How will he choose which one to marry? Decisions decisions.... :)
Posted by: Nima Badiey | 12/30/2010 at 06:45 PM
Awesome; the adventure continues! Congrats to you all!
Posted by: mikepop | 12/30/2010 at 08:18 PM
OMG I'M SO EXCITED. Yay!! Congrats!!
Posted by: Colleen | 12/30/2010 at 09:56 PM
Yay!!!! So much good news! Congratulations!
Posted by: Alaina | 12/31/2010 at 07:34 AM
Mie, this is SO awesome. CONGRATULATIONS, YAY! :D
Posted by: Melanie | 12/31/2010 at 09:01 AM
That's excellent! Congrats!!!
Posted by: Harold Check | 12/31/2010 at 10:19 AM
Posted by: Tien | 01/05/2011 at 10:14 AM
Happy New Year and Congrats Mie! I hope all is well.
Posted by: Beth Wan | 01/05/2011 at 10:59 AM
Congratulations Mie! Enjoy your second trimester!
Posted by: ellie marks | 01/26/2011 at 01:37 PM
Blizzard warnings were issued in place of parts of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow socked the states in tandem with breeze gusts topping 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour.
The shower -- 10 days before the birth of winter -- took its greatest toll in Minnesota, where as much as two feet (61 centimeters) of snow had fallen in some locations, according to the Country-wide Weather Appointment (NWS).
The country's largest burg Minneapolis was subservient to a blanket of off-white 17 inches (43 cm) broad, the worst snowfall to clout the big apple in more than 19 years and the fifth-biggest on record.
As an gauge of the simoom's mercilessness, Minneapolis-St. Paul Global Airport -- a transit heart with expertness in contending with unclean weather -- was screen down exchange for the first point in years.
Posted by: casino en ligne | 01/31/2011 at 12:05 PM
El caliz de plata parecia brillar a la luz de las dos velas enormemente altas que
debian arder durante toda la noche. La mayoria de las poblaciones no podian
permitirse cirios pascuales en condiciones, pero el padre Ralph compraba en
Shaftesbury dos cada ano a los monjes, y los parroquianos acudian a la iglesia
para contemplarlos. No obstante, aquella noche, cuando oscurecio, unescorted cinco
hombres admiraban las altas e inmoviles llamas.
Posted by: Dydayfriefe | 06/27/2011 at 10:38 AM