[Test run]
This past weekend we did a test run, inviting friends so we could serve tea, and see how the space worked. We love it!
We are excited to bring this to the playa!
The tea house is now deconstructed, ready for transport.
Please come visit us at Cairo and 7:30.
Tesla, our 4 year old campmate, will be bringing her very own tea set as well. You may be lucky to get served by her : )
The art of tea is in the family of the art of calligraphy, the art of flowers (ikebana), and the art of incense (お香oko). When approproiate, we will provide Japanese traditional incense to enjoy as our guests relax while waiting for tea. For this, we have Japanese cedar, and a special container.
[A few details]
Here are the pillows our guests will sit on. The blue is what we had already, the orange we made to match the orange roof.
Here are some of the tools we'll be using: Box to keep the sweets we'll have our guests eat before to counter the bitter matcha tea (not traditional, but will protect the sweets from playa dust), the 茶筅, chasen to mix the powder with the warm water, the 茶杓, chashaku to scoop the powder from the 茶器, chaki that contains the prepared tea powder, into the tea bowls.
We have authentic 茶碗, chawan, tea bowls bought in Tokyo, and in Japantown, San Francisco. They are beautiful so even coming to see them is worth it.
[We have a gate!]
Dav was in charge of making a gate for our Chaya, so people could come off the street (Cairo and 7:30), and have a way to leave the street, mentally entering another world. It's a tori gate.
This picture is when it was just finished. It has been further refined but you get the image.
Nicely built, eh?
To attract visitors, we will have red lanterns on the end parts which is not traditional, but this is the playa so we're modifying to make sure people see us : )
[UPDATE - stencil siding]
More awesomeness. Just look at this marvelous tea house.
I'll be adding pics about our tea ceremony tools soon so check back! : p
[UPDATE - sweets!]
M and I did research at Minamoto Kitchoan to assess what delectible sweets we will serve before our guests have the somewhat bitter macha tea. These below were our choice. They can be chilled which will be nice on the playa. However, they are spendy so these will be limited. All other sweets will be purchased in Japantown. Either way, they will match matcha.
[UPDATE - table & roof]
While I was, er, in Vegas, JR and M busted ahead and made huge progress. Giant thanks to these 2 for putting in tons of work here.
The beautiful orange roof is now installed:
I mean really, you want to sit and relax here, no?
And now you can see the table our guests will sit by, and be served tea:
Brilliant touch - "chaya" will be stenciled onto the screens:
[UPDATE - more tea house details]
Jeremy is putting up some elegant shading on the sides now that can easily roll up. The shades will keep shade during the hot day, and provide some privacy for those who want to sit quietly in peace.
Here is the roof. Good color splash, and 2 of the cushions for seating will be orange too. I'll update pictures of the pillows when, er, I'm done making them.
[UPDATE - Chaya cards!]
Michelle brilliantly created a stamp out of my mother's calligraphy. Love this, and we can give these to people we meet on the playa.They are so pretty...wouldn't you want to come have tea after receiving one?
[UPDATE - Roof]
In spite the accident, Jeremy is busting away, and has now finished the roof frame, as well as varnished the wood to a nice shade. Check out the craftmanship!
[UPDATE - Accident!!!]
Oh no...a major accident happened to our esteemed tea house designer & builder. Emergency and stiches involved. Luckily he had goggles on, but he definitely has a permanent scar. This was from cutting the many parts involved in the tea house. Let's hope there won't be anything more!
[UPDATE - planning the details]
This must be from months ago. Right after we submitted our application as a theme camp, Michelle and I brainstormed some of the details we wanted to provide in the tea house. It's small but whoever gets to be in it, we hope to provide a beautiful experience. We hope visitors will receive something more than just a cup of matcha tea. Haiku, live shakuhachi playing, a nice entrance, information on the tea ceremony...
[UPDATE - dress & calligraphy]
Below is Michelle's yukata. Although yukata is for summer casual wear, and not for a formal tea ceremony, we're gonna be on the hot playa! So a yukata is perfect, and all of us gals will have one to wear.
My mother has been studying Japanese calligraphy for many years (shes a licensed flower arrangement teacher as well), so we asked her to do 'chaya' [tea house] in both a regular/standard and more traditional/artisic form. Can you tell which is which?
Here is a close up of the traditional/artisic form. It may look like easy swishes of the brush but it takes a lot of training to get to this point. There are a lot of stylistic rules to follow and you must do your stroke at once, meaning you can't hesitate or redo anything. Practice is key.
Michelle will be using these to create special cards and designs for our little chaya.
[8/3 UPDATE]
We are lucky to have 2 professional designers on our team. Below is Jeremy who architected what will be our lovely tea house. He's already laying out the wood and getting on it!
Can't wait to show you once it's together.
Our 2nd designer is Michelle, and she will be helping with awesome graphics & printed material to educate our guests as well as aesthetically please them.
[8/1 UPDATE]
We've been officially accepted! Our location will be C and 7:30. We have bought the tea house materials, and building will begin shortly - pics to follow. We will also start sharing pictures of the real tea ceremony tools we have, including some new beautiful tea bowls my mother just brought directly from Japan for this occasion (mom rocks!). And we'll be doing some sake tasting to make sure we bring you the best for our intimate sake night. Check back, ok?
For Burning Man 2010, we plan to run a small, intimate tea house for playa residents to visit and be served real matcha tea. We are working on creating beautiful details and an authentic set-up to provide a unique moment of tranquility.
We are still in the theme camp approval process. Once accepted, we will update you with the building of the tea house, and show you all the details as they come together.
Our theme camp description will be:
Authentic matcha tea and Japanese sweets prepared for you in our serene tea house. Sit, relax and enjoy an intimate break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Chat with friends, or meditate to clear your head. Designed for 4. Tea service is limited, but tea house always open. Check for sake night!
You guys are so creative and lovely! Makes me want to come to the Playa!!! Miss you sweet Mie!
Posted by: Christie | 08/04/2010 at 01:37 PM
That is frickin' awesome! I can already imagine sitting in this peaceful oasis, sipping tea, contemplating the life as I watch large animals, yummy freaks, and wild mutant vessels drift slowly by.. So well done!
Posted by: Ari Gluck | 08/18/2010 at 12:08 PM
this is sweet man! ok, i gotta go next year, regardless.
Posted by: Jeff-b | 08/27/2010 at 07:06 AM
Beautiful work! The tea house looks great! Have a great trip and happy tea service.
Posted by: Nik | 08/27/2010 at 05:47 PM
Beautiful and obviously an investment of time, labor and research. Impressive!
Posted by: stephanie | 08/29/2010 at 09:26 PM
Super cool! I love tea ceremonies. Wish I was with you guys this year. Have fun on the playa!!!
Posted by: Christopher | 08/29/2010 at 10:26 PM